Radar Sync::for your windows
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Prey:: for your stolen Laptop
How it works
When you install Prey, you set up an email address and optionally a URL (i.e.
Prey runs at a specified interval and checks the URL you previously defined. If the URL exists, Prey will gather the information and send it to the email address you set up. You can also not define a URL and in that case the program will send the data every time it runs.
Of course, Prey needs to have an active Internet connection to send the information. If the computer isn’t connected, Prey will attempt to connect to the first public Wifi access point available
Its avaiable free for Linux,Mac & Windows,under the GNU licence v3.0
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File Over Miles
High Speed
Your files are sent the shortest way - direct between you and the recipient. There are no intermediate servers slowing down the process. Try FilesOverMiles and send files between your home computers to see how fast it is!
You control who downloads your shared file. You give a secret and unique URL generated by FilesOverMiles. Your file is encrypted and sent direct to another user. No intermediate servers.
Check it Out
- Take your computer applications with you
- Manage your portable drive
- Launch applications from a portable drive
- Keep your drive healthy
- Enjoy real portability
- Prevent and detect virus infection
Install it on your portable drive and get the sense of real portability.Enjoy operating you USB flash drive or portable hard disk. The management of your portable documents, multimedia files and pictures has never been that easy. Add and control your portable applications with maximum convenience. Enjoy the most stylish and elegant menu, designed especially for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
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Free Secure Eraser
Many secure deletion programs integrate into the system shell, but Freeraser is free from the entanglements of installation and administrative privilege. After running the stand alone application, a temporary trash can is placed on your desktop.
Lockdown Alarm for Mac
PatchMate XP
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Tunes Based on your Mood
Free Internet TV more than 2000 channels
*Required software for internet tv or radio stations: Realplayer, Media Player
*Connectivity depends upon your net bandwidth.
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Virus Protection for Exchange Server
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How to fit 300 DVDs on one disc
The researchers say this could see a whopping 1.6 terabytes of information fit on a DVD-sized disc.
They describe their method as "five-dimensional" optical recording and say it could be commercialised.
The technique employs nanometre-scale particles of gold as a recording medium.
Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology in Australia have exploited the particular properties of these gold "nano-rods" by manipulating the light pointed at them.
The team members described what they did as adding three "dimensions" to the two spatial dimensions that DVD and CD discs already have.
They say they were able to introduce a spectral - or colour - dimension and a polarisation dimension, as well as recording information in 10 layers of the nano-rod films, adding a third spatial dimension.
The scientists used the nanoparticles to record information in a range of different colour wavelengths on the same physical disc location. This is a major improvement over traditional DVDs, which are recorded in a single colour wavelength with a laser.
Also, the amount of incoming laser light absorbed by the nanoparticles depends on its polarisation. This allowed the researchers to record different layers of information at different angles.
The researchers thus refer to the approach as 5-D recording. Previous research has demonstrated recording techniques based on colour or polarisation, but this is the first work that shows the integration of both.
As a result, the scientists say they have achieved unprecedented data density.Their approach used 10-layer stacks composed of thin glass plates as the recording medium. If scaled up to a DVD-sized disk, the team would be able to record 1.6 terabytes - that is, 1,600 gigabytes - or over 300 times the quantity stored on a standard DVD.
Significant improvements could be made by thinning the spacer layers and using more than two polarisation angles - pushing the limits to 10 terabytes per disc and beyond, the researchers say.
Free Online Gadget/Planner
Thrive will look at how you use money and help you gradually lower your spending in the areas you can save the most. Then we'll tell you how much you need to pay on each bill to keep your debt from growing. By using the money you've saved to make extra payments on your credit cards each month, you'll be on your way to be debt free.
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2.Hide Text. (Dont't wanna Googable) lets you convert text to an image. This means you can hide passwords, personal messages, pieces of code, or any kind of private information on forums, blogposts, emails, irc, msn-aim chats,....
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Seat Karma is the ultimate live entertainment search engine. We have a simple goal; to provide you with new and improved ways to find tickets to your favorite events
Trt it
Tilt-shift miniature style photos are pictures of real-life scenes that are manipulated to look like model photographs.
The name "tilt-shift" comes from the type of camera
lens that can give this effect. Now you can easily transform your existing digital camera photos into tilt-shift style miniatures using
Try it.
Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love,You can scan and comapre your face with famous Personalities
Try it
Stay Tuned Suite
1.Sensitive Messages .
2.Personal Contact Info .
3.Announcements Invitations .
4.Temporary Advertising .
5."Work Unsafe" Links or Images .
Log on to
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Free pdf eBooks
You can find and download a tons of e-books but please respect the publisher and the author for their creations if their books copyrighted.
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Free COMODO FireWall
Get Free Softwares from COMODO
Free means No renewal or update fees ever!*
Free Comodo Firewall.
Free Comodo Anti-Virus.
Free Comodo Internet Security.
Free Comodo Website Authentications.
Free Email Security Certificate.
Free Comodo Secure Email।
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*as per policy
Check Your Anti-Virus, Working properly or not
- Instructions
Click Start --> Open Notepad --> - Copy the code exactly in the notepad X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*
- Now Save it with the name fakevirus.exe in any of your folder/drives
- If this file got deleted immediately...then it means that your antivirus is working properly and updated !!
- If this doesnt happens and you see the saved file in that folder do right click the file and select scan with your installed antivirus and if the scan shows the file then it means your antivirus is working properly but not updated with a new version, as best antivirus softwares detect any virus (at the same second when you save the same in your system)without your effort of going to specified folder and scanning the folder।
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Windows XP to Leopard Mac
LeopardXP BricoPack is obviously not like the real thing but it does quite a good job in trying to make Windows XP look like the Leopard OS. Not only does it install new skins, wallpapers and icons, but it also adds new functionalities such as a Mac OS style dock bar, a Spotlight clone (which by the way doesn't seem to work properly), a top toolbar and a similar file explorer. All of these are included in LeopardXP BricoPack as extra tools and you can choose not to install them. Also, LeopardXP works fine even in systems with low resources.
Speed Up your Surfing
OpenDNS provides free DNS server addresses which you enter on your home router or within your computer's network settings. The service caches the billions of DNS requests made by its users into a giant database on a distributed network, which turbocharges surfing for everyone who uses it. Open DNS you can use it for XP,VISTA,2000/NT,98,ME,MobilePPC,Mobile Smart Phone, Mac and UnixLinux.
To Change the settings
1. Right click on LAN connection (XP)
2.Click on Properties.
3.Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
4.Click Properties
5.Click the radio button Use the following DNS server addresses and type in OpenDNS addresses in the Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server fields
6.Preferred DNS server address for Open DNS is:
Alternate DNS server address for Open DNS is:
7.Click Ok.
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